What Is Civic Sense? And How Its Bad?

jeffrin turner
2 min readDec 19, 2017


What is Civic Sense

Civic sense is nothing but a common sense in general. It means that that our behavior at certain places and in certain walks of life shouldn’t create problems for others. In other words our behavior should be what is expected from a civilized society. Writing on compound walls, on buses, trains, monuments, rash driving, smoking in public and throwing garbage on the streets — all these things indicate a lack of civic sense.

People are extremely reluctant to learn new things. They are very rigid to changes. The attitude, “I know everything” is the major cause of lack of civic sense in India. No stress is given on learning civic sense in India. The self-centered mentality of the individuals makes them unaware of several critical issues.

How lack of civic sense is bad for the society

Lack of civic sense is definitely awful for the society as a whole. Often the clashes, varying from a couple of persons to large groups, emerge out of the lack of tolerance and it is nothing but the lack of civic sense. The resources like roads, parking places, water, gas cylinders etc haven’t increased in last few years but the population of the country is getting increased day by day. The small altercations today on petty issues can take a bigger shape tomorrow. If we do not have tolerance for each other now when the situation is not that bad then only God can save us when it goes out of control.

Tourism is another industry which is affected due to lack of civic sense in our country. The garbage of public places, the sorry state of historical places, and utter disregard for the rules definitely paints a bad picture of India in front of the tourists coming from the other countries.

The most important factor is that people give absolutely no importance to learning common sense and imbibing it at all. It is the responsibility of the teachers, gurus and parents to teach individuals right at the young age.



jeffrin turner

Character traits are all the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s personality.