Ways To Deal With The Regret Of Breaking Up With Someone
The question of “what if I haven’t” comes in almost everyone’s mind. However, regretting over a breakup will not let you undo that decision. You need to get over that agonizing and nagging feeling of regret that you might take the wrong decision by separating your ways. Believe the fact that those bargaining of arguments and sleepless nights were not something that you deserved. Stop worrying about the wrong or the right decision. It is better to focus on how to get out of this situation of regret by taking the wrong decision. The obsessiveness on regrets can chew up all the happiness of your life. But how do you leave all the regrets behind and move on with your life? Here are some tips with which you can deal with the regret of breaking up with someone.
#1. Take Time To Think
One of the best things you can do when you have had a breakup is taking your ‘Me Time.’ Everyone needs their own time to think whether they want to get back or they are better like that. If you will try and escape from the situation, you will never be able to find a solution. Give yourself enough time to at least decide what is best for you. In the meantime, you might get over them, or you might realize that you want them back. To see the situation objectively so that you can be firm in a decision, you need to face yourself for some time.
#2. Analyze The Reasons Why You Want Him Back
The most regretting thing is that you don’t have them in your life anymore. People regret breaking up with someone because they miss them being around. That is the time when you regret breakup the most as you probably are still in love with them. Either you are lonely or you genuinely miss them. The sure reason is not that you love them, instead you are alone and alienated which can also be the reason to not get over your breakup. You might not have anyone to fulfill your emotional and physical needs. You need to ask yourself all of these reasons, in order to get to the conclusion.
#3. Observe The Pattern Of Breakup
If you have a history of breaking up with people and regret then probably you are bad at making decisions. Also, if you get over a regret easily, you need to be sure of the fact that you will be over this breakup easily as well. Maybe you do not have a struggle with your partner and with yourself. There can be ego issues too if you delve deeper into the matter. As they say “the grass is greener on the other side”. In most of the cases, the reason of these regrets is not the one related to the partner but with your own self.
#4. Resolve To Move On
While we go through a breakup, we usually aren’t focused on anything else. However, in order to stop regretting about a breakup, all you need to do is to be focused towards resolving your problems. If you will keep thinking about the tragic things, you will slowly become the fallen hero. People never get over the lost people they love. However, if you will allow your damaged soul to improve, you will realize there is so much more to life than a breakup. Humans are those stoic creatures who endure pain and do not want to lose people they love. But you can heal from the romantic transgression. If you are stuck in your past, you are probably killing the chances of finding someone better.
Read More: Regret Of Breaking Up With Someone
Originally Published By: AskOpinion.com