How to Turn a Fling into a Serious Relationship?
All of us get a little excited at times when someone we are attracted to goes by. This increase in heartbeat stems from the fact that when strong desire is born in the heart, we feel helpless to deny it. It is only when we make advances towards the other person and are turned down we use our pride to smother the sexual feelings.
At the core of it all lies the fact that sex is solely responsible for driving civilization forward. People throughout history have indulged in sex whether it was in a sincere relationship or a frenzy. Wild behavior with no care about consequences and a commitment to self-enjoyment makes flings irresistible. Flings do serve your sexual need but only for a short period and given the nature of man he does like to have the thing he desires with him at all times.
Things You Need To Do To Make It A Serious Relationship
#1. Do Things That Tell Your Partner You Can Never Get Enough Of Them
All went exactly as you planned, you texted her only after she gave you the eye. Things were hot from the start with both of you coming on strong as the desire to discover each other was irrepressible. The big night came and culminated into happiness, and you did admit to yourself at first that it’s just a fling only to backtrack your thoughts to the fervent night. Don’t hesitate to approach the person you shared true chemistry with as you started with flings to look for someone you can bank upon in the first place.
#2. Remove The Fear Of Commitment
Fear of commitment is one of the biggest fears as a lot of individual these days think of commitment as a loss their own freedom. This idea of being trapped is something that stops people from being happier because they feel that they have reached the summit of happiness. By showing the promise where you tell your partner that they will have time for everything they are doing at the moment and have a partner to rely on when things which they are currently doing are challenged and require support.
#3. Appeal To Their Sensitive Side
Remind them life is harsh and lonely when you try to live just by yourself. Tell them that nothing in life can be so bad that they develop an iron will against partners and want to spend the life all by themselves. Tell them that the need for human contact is one that dates back to ages and having someone in your life won’t make you complacent at work. Compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance are all feelings that die when you go against your very nature to avoid regular intimacy.
#4. Show Them You Will Never Be Vain
Tell them you are realistic and practical and do not dream up things that are unrealistic. Forwarding your ego by thinking of things that elevate you above other men which are untrue can take you away from reality and threaten to destroy all relationships you have. A promise that you will never be vain automatically conveys that honest communication will remain in the relationship and what you are will be told just like that.
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