How to Handle Midlife Crisis?
Midlife crisis, the term conjures up images of a silver-haired guy dressing up like a 20-something year old and driving a Ferrari around town. But what exactly is it? Midlife crisis is defined as a period of transition of self-confidence and identity in middle-aged individuals. It is a psychological crisis resulting from events that highlight a person’s mortality, possible shortcoming of accomplishments as growing age. Typically noticeable in people aging from 45 to 64 years, it brings about the feeling of depression, anxiety and remorse, coupled with the desire to gain youthfulness and alter the current lifestyle.
As per studies, almost half of the men in their 40s and 50s admit splurging on a new car during this transitional period. In addition to that, several women also confess getting Botox or making other drastic changes to their appearance because of midlife crisis. Also, women have been observed to go through the crisis quite earlier than men, typical between 35 and 44 years of age.
Are you going through midlife crisis? Do you know how to handle it? Well, no worries since we are here to help you through this exhausting phase of your life. Here are some tips that will help you get through the midlife crisis.
How to deal with a midlife crisis:
- Face it — don’t hide from the fact that you’re half way through.
- Spend some time in self-reflection or get the help of a coach or a counsellor.
- Don’t wait for a ‘crisis’ to happen. Make changes in your life today.
- Do something different because doing the same thing every day won’t get you different results.
- Get outside. We get a different perspective on a problem when we’re outdoors in a big landscape.
- Reframe the ‘crisis’ to an awakening — this is about a renaissance.
- What are the positives you can take from this time of life? Wisdom, experience, knowledge only come with age.
- If you find yourself saying, “Is this all there is?” Ask instead, “what am I prepared to change?”
- If you feel you might be depressed, make an appointment with your doctor or book up some counseling.
- Be a part of something that’s bigger than you.
- Turn the negatives around by looking at life in a different way.
- Do something that will take you outside of yourself.
- Let go of all that’s holding you back or no longer serves you in life — it just takes for you to decide you want to do or be different.
- Remember that life is a privilege, and that there are many who don’t get to have an old age.
- Live life by my motto: If not now, when?