How To Cope with the Death of a Pet?
If you have recently lost a pet and are overwhelmed by the uncontrollable emotions that have taken you over, then you are not alone in your grief. Your friends and family or other people in your life may not exactly understand how you feel but we are here to help you through the process. Here are some tips that will help you get through the death of a pet.
#1. Prepare In Advance
Preparing for the death of a pet dog or a cat may not be as easy as it sounds but it can help you and your family deal with the loss in the long run. If your pet is old or sick, then it would be a better choice to start preparing for the demise soon. You can start by spending quality time with your pet and make the most of the moments that you two can spend together. Going out for a walk, having your favorite meals or just lying on the couch, hanging out together, are some good options.
To be honest, you can never truly prepare for the death of a loved one, including your pet. You can try to prepare for the grief but you will never fully understand the role that it played in your life until it’s gone. However, learning about the various stages of grief can help you be aware of what you will feel. Talk to your family members about what is going to happen and how you may deal with it.
#2. Understand That It’s Normal
The next thing you have to do to cope with the circumstances is understand that what you are feeling is completely normal. There could be times when you may think that your emotions make no sense and you shouldn’t be feeling the way you do since you have ‘only’ lost a pet, but it’s real. Some people go into denial as a defense against the harsh situation. But when denial is deliberately used to avoid the reality and escape the truth of loss, it can lead to a number of health issues and manifest insomnia, anxiety, fatigue as well as chronic depression.
The people around may not understand what you are going through. They may offer a few considerate words for a day or two but then they expect you to get over it within a few days and resume your life like nothing happened. What they fail to understand is the grief of the death of a pet refuses to be boxed away. Admit and embrace your emotions and take a break to mourn the loss.
#3. Hold A Ceremony
You just lost a part of your family and a funeral can help you come to terms with it. Therefore, if your pet has just died or is nearing its death, then do consider arranging a funeral, not to mourn the loss, but perhaps to celebrate the amazing moments you spent together. You can check if burying the pet in the backyard is an option. Get in touch with the local courthouse and delve into the legality of it. This way, you can access your pet’s grave easily, which will help with the coping process. Invite the people close to you to attend the funeral and pay their respects. Decorate the funeral with the images of your pet and have a viewing area where people can see photos and other mementos. Toys and collars are some good options.