Having Sexual Fantasies Can Prove To Be A Challenge Or A Negative Thing

jeffrin turner
5 min readOct 18, 2017


We all have various fantasies regarding various things in life. We all tend to daydream about almost all aspects of life and hope for various things to take place in our life. The fantasies and the wishes for various things to take place in a certain way are things that are true for all individuals and for all aspects of life. We tend to daydream about our perfect career, our perfect family, our dream home and then there are the sexual desires that remain common to all of us.

We all tend to have these sexual desires that we all daydream about. Each person has a unique set of sexual fantasy depending on the kind of sexual preferences they have. It is believed that men tend to have fantasies that remain more explicit in nature, whereas women tend to have sexual fantasies that are kind of more romantic in nature. But, these are just some of the generalized assumptions we have based on some of the available information. There can be many possibilities when it comes to the kind of sexual fantasies that both men and women can have. Women can have explicit fantasies and men can also have very romantic fantasies. There is absolutely no way we can generalize things here.

When we are talking about sexual fantasies, the most important thing related to them are the debates and discussions regarding how good or bad they are for any relationship. There is always the question of how the sexual fantasies will affect your relationship and is it a good idea to want to play out your fantasies in your relationship? There always remains a concern regarding how your sexual fantasies will impact the kind of equation you are able to create with your romantic partner. There are two things that we will need to take into consideration when we are discussing the impact of sexual fantasies on any relationship.

Firstly, there is nothing wrong about having sexual fantasies; this is nothing that we need to look down upon or something that should cause worry. Having a sexual fantasy is normally experienced by most people and is acceptable as any other fantasy or dream we all tend to have. What your sexual fantasy is and how it is going to impact your relationship and the lives of your partner and you will be determined by the kind of discussions the two of you are able to have regarding your respective fantasies, and how openly the two of you are able to discuss each other’s point of view.

Having Sexual Fantasies Can Prove To Be A Challenge Or A Negative Thing

The biggest challenge that having sexual fantasies can prove to be, is the fact that you may come across as a very different individual to your partner during the time the two of you are actually trying to play them out in reality. What this means is the fact that you may be more aggressive or dominating or you may prove to be more submissive, which may not be true when you are not playing the fantasy. In this case, you may find it impossible to explain why you were a certain way when you were with your partner at the time of making love. When you make an effort to play out your sexual fantasies, you will have to assume a role and so will your partner and this will require your partner to understand and accept why you have certain fantasies. This stands true for you as well, you will have to make an effort to understand your partner’s fantasies and accept them the way they are.

Another thing that can prove to be a major challenge when it comes to having sexual fantasies is the fact that you will have to make sure your romantic partner is comfortable with the kind of fantasies that you are having and is actually willing to be a part of them. We all have different sexual fantasies and we all have different preferences when it comes to our likes and dislikes regarding what we are comfortable to try when we are making love. This is why it is very essential that you make sure you are very open and clear to your partner about the kind of fantasies you have. If you surprise them without them having knowledge of the kind of thing that is coming their way, there is a possibility they may not take it positively.

What is essential is a small amount of understanding of each other’s sexual fantasies and the willingness to do whatever both of you are comfortable doing. It is not only the fact that having sexual fantasies can prove to be a negative thing when you do not take the comfort of your partner into account, it can also prove to be very negative when you compel them to play out your fantasies.

Sexual fantasies are not negative in general but the moment it is imposed on someone and the moment someone has to be a part of something that is against their wish, it is possible that sexual fantasies can prove to be a negative thing. The whole idea is to have a clear discussion about it without withholding from your partner. It is the ability to keep in mind each other’s comfort that matters. The negative aspect of having and wanting to play out sexual fantasies is only that part when you wish to make it a part of your relationship and play it out. You will have to make sure that it is not proving to be the source of discomfort and disinterest for your partner.

Read more …. The Positive Aspects Of Having Sexual Fantasies

Originally Published By: AskOpinion.com



jeffrin turner
jeffrin turner

Written by jeffrin turner

Character traits are all the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s personality.

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