jeffrin turner
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

Reasons behind why Valentine’s Day is overrated

Every year, on the fourteenth day of February, the couples set out to celebrate the idea of love in different ways. The Valentine gifts and cards are quite common during this period. Well, unfortunately, with time, the idea of Valentine’s Day has been commercialized to a great extent, and people have forgotten as to why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Reasons behind why Valentine’s Day is overrated

1. Gender Roles

Another reason why Valentine’s Day is overrated and dull is that it does nothing but reinforces the gender roles and stereotypes where a man who goes on to proclaim his love for a woman, is nothing but a passive subject.

2. Why Just One Day?

One of the major reasons why Valentine’s Day is just corny is that the idea of love has been brought down to just one single day. Well, it is unfair to prescribe a single day to celebrate love when love should be something that is celebrated and cherished throughout your life.

3. Burns A Hole In Your Pocket

Valentine’s Day definitely goes quite hard on your pocket, as it has turned into a mere materialistic event nowadays. Interestingly, your love has a market value now, and trying to deviate from the trend might only offend your partner.

4. A Lost Essence

The whole idea of celebrating love during Valentine’s Day was supposed to have a wider meaning. However, the concept has sadly been narrowed down to just the couples exchanging expensive gifts. With a narrow and shallow definition of love, Valentine’s Day has completely lost its essence and charm.

3. For Single People

With the amount of public display of affection that goes on throughout the day, Valentine’s Day brings in a whole lot of stress for all the single people. Not having a date on Valentine’s Day does nothing but make you feel terrible.

More Points : Valentine’s Day Celebration so Overrated?

jeffrin turner

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