Can people Fall in Love just by Talking on Phone?
First of all, it is very important to understand what love is, especially for a specific person. Love is an emotion which is deeply connected to the other person. As every emotion fades away sometimes, so does love. You can never be happy, envious, sad or in love for that matter forever. The emotions are temporary, and they can also change with time. However, the concept of love is different for everyone. This cannot be bound to one definition or category.
The question of falling in love with someone just by talking over the phone has always been under debate. The answer to the question; however, is not that simple or as apparent as other situation. This varies from person to person as different people can take this aspect differently. Some people don’t even talk too often to people unless they have met them. Whereas, some people can fall in love with someone listening to their voice as well.
(Image Courtesy: YouTube)
Falling in love with someone just by talking on phone bring up many questions:
#1. Is physical contact necessary to evolve in a relationship in love?
#2. Physical appearance matters in a relationship or not?
#3. What do people exactly want from a relationship?
#4. How Different can a person be in reality from a virtual persona?
These are very big questions about love which does not come with very simple answers. Some people think that a serious relationship can evolve and grow through phone or internet. Some, on the other hand, think some requirements in a relationship cannot be fulfilled without meeting a person for real.
Falling In Love Over The Phone Is Possible
(Image Courtesy: Sweety High)
First of all, it is very important to know the capability of phone conversations. A relationship over the phone is not like the internet that you are getting time to write wisely. Talking on the phone is like contact in real-time. There is no time to choose words or contemplate. Also, if a relationship is based on only the phone conversation, that means both the people have a very little idea about the appearance of each other. Moreover, there is no physical contact in a strictly telephone-based relationship.
Falling In Love Over The Phone Is Impossible
(Image Courtesy: Pictures Funny)
People say, falling in love with someone without a meeting is like living in a fantasy. Well, if you meet a person after so long since you started talking on the phone, it can never be the same way. You might like some of the aspects after meeting as well, but you might not find them as attractive as you did though. Is it possible to know these facts overlook them anyway? Also, it is possible to love that person in the same way after witnessing their shortcomings and deficiencies. Even though people say that the outer beauty does not matter in love, but most of the people value beauty in their potential partner. You can never guarantee the fact that you’ll remain in love with them after meeting as well. You may come across some embarrassing habits or irritating quality of that person that were not predictable when you talked to them on calls.
(Image Courtesy: Huffington Post)
Love is a very different and natural feeling. You can never really stop yourself to fall in love with someone. It can happen by listening to someone’s voice and can happen in person as well. The debate about this topic is endless. Can people Fall in Love just by Talking on Phone?