All of us have heard of the seven-year itch. The phrase which became popular with a 1952 Broadway play and a Marilyn Monroe-starer 1955 movie is today a widely accepted phenomenon. The concept is based on the belief that couples start to lose interest in their better half and get antsy about their relationship around seven years into their marriage.

Are you reaching the seven-year mark in your marriage? Is your relationship already in the deep waters? Well, then you need not worry as we are bringing you some easy tips that will help you beat the seven-year itch and stay with the person that you vowed to spend your entire life with. Check these out.

#1. Start With Little Acts Of Love

When it comes to love, it is the tiny little things that matter the most. After a few years of marriage, people start to take each other for granted, and it soon starts to have negative effects on their relationship. If you want your marriage to survive this excruciating test of time, then you need to show your partner that you still adore them like you once used to and are always ready to go the extra mile for them.

#2. Start Dating Your Spouse

Wouldn’t you agree that dating is the best period in every relationship? It is when you are getting to know each other and exploring each other’s strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and more. When dating, we do our best to impress that other person, no matter how difficult it may be at the time. However, as soon as we begin a relationship with them, all the amazing time that we used to spend together starts to wash away, and within a few years of getting married to them, it is almost finished.

Dating is very important for a relationship, no matter how long you two have been together. You would be surprised to learn how many things are there that you still do not know about the person that you have been living with for so many years.

Dating your spouse is not as difficult as you may think. Just plan a day of the week when you two will go out, without your kids, if you have them, and spend some quality time together.

#3. Mend The Communication Gap

The most common reason that relationships and marriages break is that people cease to communicate. Long conversations that once could sprawl over the entire night dry up to routine calls regarding mundane life things. We understand that you now have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulder like paying the bills, taking care of the kids, establishing your career and much more. But do you think it is okay to let your relationship with your spouse over these things? Also, it could not be that difficult to take a little time out from your daily routine to ask your better half how their day went, is it?

#4. Offer The Emotional Support They Need

Another common reason that relationships and marriages tend to expire is that people get emotionally detached from the person that they could once do anything for. Every single one of us needs a source of emotional support in life so we can handle all the problems that we have. Your husband does not need you to tell him how to handle rejection in business, or your wife does not need your advice on how to deal with that male chauvinist colleague, they just need you to be there and listen to their problems. All they need is your emotional support, telling them that they can handle whatever adversity life may throw at them.

BTW, we happen to have a few tips if you are wondering how to deal with rejection in business or a male chauvinist person at work. Check these out.

#5. Keep The Physical Intimacy Alive

Well, we can’t emphasize more on this. Physical intimacy is paramount for every relationship, and if there isn’t enough intimacy left in your relationship, then we suggest you bring it back before it is too late. You can think of intimacy as a need for all of us, and when that need is not fulfilled in our marriage, we tend to stray looking for another source for it. Do you want that to happen in your relationship? We guess not, right?

Wondering what is more important in a relationship, physical intimacy or emotional intimacy? We have something here that might be able to help.

#6. Go For A Second Honeymoon

How long has it been since you last went on a romantic escapade; just the two of you; no kids, no family? Well, the answer is ‘too long.’ What better way to rekindle your love after years of marriage than going on a holiday with your partner where you can spend time alone with your partner, forgetting about your parents, kids, neighbors, and boss, and exploring beguiling cultures and beholding astonishing sights.

more in detail : For A Second Honeymoon

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jeffrin turner
jeffrin turner

Written by jeffrin turner

Character traits are all the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s personality.

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